harga 1 pcs rm10.00
harga 1 dozen rm50.00
Kuan Im Pearl Cream
We all know that first impression of the last always important. To make sure that your first impression is worth. Then here is " Kuan Im Pure Pearl Cream" Kuan Im not only hides bad impression of your skin or face it does heal your look . The ingredients in Kuan Im gently erase away freckles, blemishes and acne so that the natural beauty of your skin or face from harmful UV rays to prolong your beauty . There is no time or chance in life to make mistakes, so be aware taking chances, especially when it is about something as important as your beauty. So be with Kuan Im to make tour first impression stands great forever.
We all know that first impression of the last always important. To make sure that your first impression is worth. Then here is " Kuan Im Pure Pearl Cream" Kuan Im not only hides bad impression of your skin or face it does heal your look . The ingredients in Kuan Im gently erase away freckles, blemishes and acne so that the natural beauty of your skin or face from harmful UV rays to prolong your beauty . There is no time or chance in life to make mistakes, so be aware taking chances, especially when it is about something as important as your beauty. So be with Kuan Im to make tour first impression stands great forever.
:: Instructions
Apply Kuan Im Pure Pearl Cream sparingly with your fingertips to the affected area of your skin or face, twice a day.
Apply Kuan Im Pure Pearl Cream sparingly with your fingertips to the affected area of your skin or face, twice a day.
Terbaru, sy ada cuba pakai krim Kwam Im..Member sy kata krim nih
berkesan utk hilangkan parut jerawat. Sy pun cuba jer la kan..cuma sapu
kat bahagian parut jerawat jer...kebetulan plk minggu lps sy br jer naik
satu jerawat comel kat pipi belah kiri. So, mcmaner result dia, kena la
tunggu dulu samada ianyer jadi ke x...hehehehe...Krim ini berasaskn
serbuk mutiara.
Dulu, saya benci tengok muka saya. Dah bermacam-macam produk saya guna. Macam iklan ALMAS tak? :p Mula-mula saya try pakai safi,
maklumlah time tu kan sekolah lagi. Tak ada duit nak beli pencuci muka
mahal-mahal. Tapi, tak berkesan pun. Lepastu, mula pakai sabun sendayu tinggi
sebab saya tengok macam-macam testimonial dekat majalah, cakap sendayu
tinggi ni bagus sangat untuk orang yang ada masalah kulit. Saya pun mula
lah menabung buit, nak beli produk sendayu tinggi. Last-last pakai,
hampehhh. Tak ada kesan langsung kat muka saya.
Sampai lah satu hari, makcik-makcik saya yang sedih tengok keadaan kulit muka saya, dorang promote kat saya satu krim ni. Krim KWAN IM. Krim ni cuma pakai waktu malam je. Kalau tengok struktur krim dia macam ala-ala temulawak sikit. Produk ni dari thailand. Fungsi krim ni untuk hilangkan jerawat, lembapkan kulit, kurangkan kedut dan juga hilangkan alergi dimuka. Ingredient dia diperbuat daripada seawater pearl powder.
Sampai lah satu hari, makcik-makcik saya yang sedih tengok keadaan kulit muka saya, dorang promote kat saya satu krim ni. Krim KWAN IM. Krim ni cuma pakai waktu malam je. Kalau tengok struktur krim dia macam ala-ala temulawak sikit. Produk ni dari thailand. Fungsi krim ni untuk hilangkan jerawat, lembapkan kulit, kurangkan kedut dan juga hilangkan alergi dimuka. Ingredient dia diperbuat daripada seawater pearl powder.
Salam..mcm mne sy nk order brg???
ReplyDeleteaah. macam mana nak order ek? mintak email / no henfon. terima kasih.
ReplyDeleteBole whatsapp saya tak mcmana saya nk beli krim kunyit anna sedozen RM50. 0133132881